Why Join Muse Square Fellowship

- 01/27/2023

The Muse Square Fellowship is a peer-to-peer art marketplace allowing galleries to expand their presence and work in a more open and collaborative way. 

Through the fellowship, galleries can exchange exhibition services. They can lease their spaces or rent art venues at competitive prices.


1 – A secure platform with diverse exhibition opportunities

The Muse Square fellowship is a secured and trusted platform enabling galleries to exchange exhibition projects, and make safe and secure payments. Muse Square plays the role of the trusted third party to guarantee the timely delivery of the services and exchanges between hosts and fellows.

The platform provides multiple services for hosts enabling them to Lease their walls, swap them or create call for projects.


Wall Lease:

An efficient way for galleries to tap into new markets at low cost and with minimal risks. Galleries can specify the terms and requirements when leasing their spaces to their peers. They can specify their wall set-up, define their schedule, and on-demand services.


Wall Swap:

A collaborative exhibition service where galleries swap their walls or entire space. Through this exchange, they mutually benefit from each other’s collectors network and local expertise. They also expand their reach and diversify their artwork collection to satisfy their buyers. The swap helps both galleries grow in new art markets through collaboration.


Call for Project:

The Muse Square Art fellowship provides the opportunity for galleries to work together on exhibition projects, explore new markets and lift each other up. Established galleries can spotlight promising galleries and diversify their offerings to their existing client base. Galleries can host an exhibition to eventify their art exhibition venues while mutualize risks and capitalize on their fellow’s strengths.


2 – A flexible way to generate new income streams

The fellowship provides flexible leasing options for art venues. The hosts can rent their full space, but they can also list specific walls or parts of their art space for rent. This is a workable way to generate additional revenues while running the gallery’s exhibition schedule and other business activities.

Galleries and art venues are free to lease their walls whenever they want. They can also choose the galleries they want to welcome as they can approve or reject the fellows’ booking requests.

Galleries can also provide additional services such as providing social media exposure, and technical assistance to their fellow galleries.


 3 – An innovative way to eventify your art venue

By renting and exchanging walls through the fellowship platform, galleries will be diversifying their offering which in return will boost their foot traffic.

Emerging galleries would be interested in working with established galleries to promote their artists abroad. Established galleries would want to exhibit in new markets, and work on exhibition projects with peers across the world.

For example, a gallery looking for a gallery space for rent can go on the fellowship website and browse the list of art spaces for rent to select the one that best fits their needs. Moreover, they can rent the art gallery event space online, hassle free.

With a new story to tell to their community and art collectors, galleries will stimulate their presence on the art market and attract more art buyers.


Want to know more about the fellowship and ways you can leverage its network?